Join our Sticker Shock Campaign and help reduce teen access to alcohol

What is a Sticker Shock Campaign?

  • This youth-lead initiative has been implemented across the country.
  • The campaign informs and reminds the community of the importance of not providing alcohol to teens.
  • Local vendors allow coalition members or their own staff to place stickers, door hangers, or tags on shelves with messaging to adults to not provide alcohol to minors.
  • Research shows that teens who use alcohol during these critical years of development are four times more likely to develop problems with alcohol later in life. Yet, over 50% of St. Louis County teens say that it is easy to get alcohol.
  • We need your help to get the word out to the community that everyone can play a part in reducing youth access to alcohol.

What’s in it for me?

  • Retailers can show their community that they are taking a proactive approach to protecting the youth in their community.
  • You will receive public recognition (with your permission) through the coalition’s social media outlets, Website, the School District of Clayton and other local organizations. How can you participate?

If you are interested in helping us get out this important public health message, please contact: 

Kim Sherony, Project Coordinator for All In Clayton Coalition

If you are interested in helping us get out this important public health message, please contact: 

Kim Sherony, Project Coordinator for All In Clayton Coalition

Who We Are:

All In Clayton Coalition is a group of community members who are dedicated to creating a healthy community where youth feel empowered to be drug-free. Our mission is to keep Clayton youth safe from the effects of substance misuse. We engage 12 sectors of the community in our work, including the School District of Clayton and the Clayton Chamber of Commerce. We are always looking for new partners to help with our efforts.