Alcohol & Teens

Young people’s growth and development continue well into their twenties. Most teens will be confronted with the choice of whether or not to use alcohol- the number one drug chosen by youth. Parents must take an active role in helping youth to make the right decisions by talking about the truths and dangers of underage drinking.

According to the 2022 MO Student Survey, 24.2% of Clayton high schoolers reported using alcohol within the last 30 days. 70.5% said it is easy to access alcohol. Many adults in our community provide alcohol knowingly and unknowingly.

Ways to reduce underage drinking:

  • Keep alcohol locked up and away from where youth can access it.
  • Talking to your child about the dangers of alcohol use is critically important. Use the Talk About It resources to help you in your conversation. Make sure your child knows where you stand on drug and alcohol use.
  • Be a positive role model. Model healthy behaviors around substance use.
  • Provide adequate supervision. Know where your child is, who they’re with, and what the plans are. Use your Weekend and Party Guide to help you.

Many parents think that providing a ‘safe space’ for drinking at home reduces risks and helps prepare students for college. So, is it safe for teens to drink at home? Read The Myth of Protective Drinking