As we approach the exciting time of Homecoming season, we want to take a moment to address an important issue that affects our students’ safety and well-being: underage drinking. Our school is committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment for our students, and we believe we can make a difference together.

Homecoming is a time for our students to celebrate their school spirit, create cherished memories, and build lasting friendships. While we encourage them to enjoy this special season, we also want to emphasize the importance of responsible decision-making, especially regarding alcohol.

Teenagers are particularly vulnerable to the risks associated with alcohol consumption. It impairs their judgment, increases the likelihood of accidents, and can have long-term consequences on their physical and mental health. That’s why we are encouraging all parents to take the pledge not to provide alcohol to teens during the Homecoming season.

By taking this pledge, you are sending a powerful message to your child and their peers that safety and responsibility come first. It’s a commitment to promoting a culture of responsible drinking, setting positive examples, and helping our students make informed choices. Your support can make a significant impact on the choices our children make during this festive time.

As a Clayton Parent, I pledge to:
1. Engage my kids through meaningful conversation about the risks of substance use
2. Never allow underage alcohol or other drug use in my home
3. Set rules and consequences related to alcohol and other drugs
4. Host safe gatherings and supervise parties in my home
5. Keep alcohol and other drugs secure and out of reach of youth

To pledge your commitment, please download and share the image below on your social media. By joining this initiative, you are supporting our school’s efforts and contributing to the well-being of our entire community.








Thank you for your dedication to the safety and success of our students. Together, we can make Homecoming season a memorable and safe experience for all. Read our Weekend and Party Guide for more tips to help keep your child safe. 

If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to our project coordinator, Lili Schliesser, at or 314-854-6745. Your concerns and feedback are always valued.

Wishing you and your family a joyful and safe Homecoming season!